Bioinnovative Solutions for Waterways & Wastewater Treatments

BioPond clears water naturally by removing excess nutrients
- Contains highly effective natural-occurring concentrated beneficial microbes
Improves water quality and digest organic waste and solids
Controls toxic blue-green algae
Reduces odors, phosphorus, COD, and BOD
Easy application & maintenance, without chemicals
- Non-toxic, safe for all aquatics, livestock and wildlife.
Highly effective biological filtration process of mineralization, nitrification and denitrification
All-Natural. Economical. Sustainable. Scalable.
Recommended Applications

General ponds and lakes

Agriculture reservoirs and waterways

Industrial wastewater plants & lagoons

Municipal water treatment plants
Microbial Technology for Water and Wastewater Treatments
“The results were significant even after the first application.
The visual aspects of the water, algae growth and clarity of water were evident to the naked eye.”
– Susan Rava –
Owner of Rava Ranches – California